I doubt many of you noticed, and I'd wager even fewer care, but... I don't care, this is Off-Topic. It may have been noticed that I was pretty much gone for the past month. I logged in a few times for really, really important things (like JLH's girlkiss twitpic), but I think I've accumulated an hour at ELMS in the past month.
I was on what fancy people call "vacation". I was out on Americaland's West Coast, from Seattle to LA and many, many places in-between. I had an incredible time and met some amazing people (as well as exposed myself to some awesome business-related opportunities). And now I'm back.
I've got a few ideas for ELMS, such as completely re-doing and codifying the rules for certain pedants who like to say "I read the rules and it doesn't say anything about blahblahblah", as well as going back actually *DOING THINGS* that I've said I'd get around to. I feel rejuvenated... life is good.
At first I was concerned that all hell would break loose here, and a scenario nothing short of "Lord of the Flies" would entail....but my fears proved unfounded and we maintained a modecum of decorum and class.
Now don't do that ever again !
Hope you enjoyed LA....love it or hate it it's where I call home
Lol... thanks. It's the first *REAL* one I've had in like... a decade or something stupid like that (I don't count going a few hours away to visit a friend for a few days as vacation)