You have explained yourself well, yonder, but I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree.
A HUGE part of Prop H8's passing was the fear and lies perpetuated by it's supporters, who were primarily right wingers from all demoninations. It was recently determined, through random polling, that the main reason that Prop H8 passed was due to last minute saturation of television ads touting outright lies about what would happen if gays could marry. For those with an ounce of sense, the claims were absolutely ridiculous. It was a very successful propaganda campaign aimed at the general masses who knew little or nothing about the law, or gay people in general. It totally played on peoples ignorance and fears. It was FEAR MONGERING, pure & simple.
And for the record, I was not singling out YOU in my "you'll never understand" statement. It was a general reference. Sorry you took it that way.
but they do thrive on fear. they do for a lot of issues from gay rights to assisted suicide to abortion and they even do it to their own. ask john mccain about his "illegimate black baby." sure, it's a generalization, but fair is fair for the death panel and "people will be marrying their horses next" crowd.
but they do thrive on fear. they do for a lot of issues from gay rights to assisted suicide to abortion and they even do it to their own. ask john mccain about his "illegimate black baby." sure, it's a generalization, but fair is fair for the death panel and "people will be marrying their horses next" crowd.
And again, you're generalizing a large portion of the population based on what a tiny segment of that portion does. Let me take your logic to it's logical conclusion.
You are attacking the right. Thus, you are liberals. All liberals have an extremely... liberal view on sex. People with extremely liberal views on sex are always in favor of beastiality. Thus... since you generalize the right... you enjoy f*cking horses.
See how idiotic that level of generalization is when it's applied to you. So...
1)Call yourself a hypocrite 2)**** a horse 3)Retract or rephrase your original statement
(Or ignore what I'm saying, which is my prediction)
One way to find out if you're being unduly offensive is to apply the logic that is coming out of your brain to yourself. If it bothers you... maybe you should reconsider.
no, actually i am not a liberal, but the the republicans are. no, seriously. almost all american political parties are liberal parties. the united states of america is a liberal democracy. liberal is not a curse word, it is not an insult. it is a philosophy that has been around since the age of enlightenment and i do not adhere to it at all.
btw, you're the one who just told me to go f*ck a horse, so maybe you should reconsider and retract your statement.. what exactly are you dong, yonder? i mean, i know what you're doing, but do you? i think you do, so why don't you get off your bully pulpit and stop trying to start a fight with me just because you are obviously a conservative and you don't like the fact that i am not.
pointless... I used the phraseology of "go f*ck a horse" to illustrate how offensive your logic is. I didn't literally tell you to go f*ck a horse, just turning your logic around on you.
And thank you for pointing out that America is more liberal than most people think. And, I have no clue your nationality... but thanks to Reagan, the term "liberal" was indeed a dirty word for quite a long time. But, thanks now to the Tea Partiers (whom I think you may be mistaking for, along with the Christian Coalition, for *ALL* conservatives, even though there's plenty of conservatives, such as me, who can't stand the CC or the Tea Party), the term "conservative" is starting to become a bad word.
Anywayz... I think we can both agree than you and I have had it out on this particular subject and have arrived at a disagreement. I don't think there's any miscommunication here or anything, so if you'd agree, I'd like to return the thread to specifically talking about Prop 8.
It just demonstrates nicely how the GOP has been hijacked by the religious right. If any party should not have any trouble with opposing Prop 8, it's the GOP, provided it adheres to the principles that the party stood at its inception. What the religious right favours is massive state intervention in morality and its enforcement. I recall someone saying that Mike Huckabee, the religious right's go-to guy in the GOP primaries, was so statist every time he mentioned that it's the role of government to maintain the morality of the nation. And along a similar line, on Bill Maher's Politically Incorrect, some panelist, who is now a heavy-weight in the Tea Party movement, declared that the 'red states' are the only moral constituencies in the US. I guess the 'blue states' are Sodom and Gomorrah. This the kind of crazy talk that gets people killed.
-- Edited by clion on Monday 16th of August 2010 01:28:34 AM
clion, they got hijacked in the mid 80's... now they're being re-hijacked by stupid hicks who think "Well gawly gee, runnin this here govmint thang should be pretty dern easy!". And the decent people in the GOP are either leaving or caving in.
Haven't these idiots read a history book? Know-Nothing Party? Goldwater? Oh wait... of course they haven't. That's why they praise people like Coolidge and Hoover and tear down Wilson and both Roosevelts. Friggin stupid hicks.... ugh...
The GOP was a target of a hijacking when they first tapped the religious vote in the 80s. Bush tapped that vote big time during his presidency by being one of the 'born again'. Of course, neither Reagan nor Bush were interested in promoting the religious agenda. Or, they saw the agenda as too dangerous to get that close to. Now, the religious right is trying to seize the GOP. The RNC is under constant attack to the point where the contributions it receives are being channelled to religious lobby groups who campaign for the GOP. But the GOP doesn't dictate the policy or the agendas of these groups. If they want the money, they have to get on their platforms. In the end, it's not so much about intellectual debate as much as it's about advancing political careers. Even the Dems are feeling the pull of the evangelicals and playing to them. Do you really think that Obama's preacher like oratory isn't about playing to this constituency?
In the end, the only option is to break the Union and defend state's rights. If California, Oregon, and Washington allow same-sex marriage to de defined as a marriage, they will do it without inference. People who don't like it can move to Arizona. And those states will be magnets for like-minded people who wish to live in a place of tolerance and justice for all. I can see blue states advancing while red states become theocracies.
they're obviously a good voting block. hell, they keep voting republican despite the fact that even when the republicans (though, in the case of the supreme no one is technically a republican or a democrat or anything else officially speaking) had control of all three branches of government they still couldn't do all that much for the religious right. why? because the moral majority is a myth. most people really don't care all that much about so-called moral issues because their morality is vastly different from the religious right. sadly, they are also fairly apathetic when it comes to just about everything else as well. god bless american "democracy."
That, pointless, is something I consider COMPLETELY true. And the SupCourt is, despite what the far right claims, most DEFINITELY conservative. Just look at Judge Stevens. When he was appointed, he was considered a strong conservative. When he retired... he was considered a liberal. His positions and expressions didn't change that much over the years. That means the COURT changed. And, for the record, I think the court is usually much less "emotionally conservative" (read: bigotted) about things and acts according to their brain, as opposed to, say, the House, which only knows how to knee-jerk react emotionally since they're in perpetual re-election mode... and therefore I'm, IN GENERAL, okay with a conservative court.
i can agree with that in some respects. i use to consider myself a libertarian, but i don't anymore because i find their economic policies to be naive at best and insane at worst, but i still believe in most of their social ideals when it comes to the bill of rights and that is very conservative in a way that most people no longer understand. that's also one of the reasons i call myself a half ass socialist. i don't believe the state needs to save me from myself. i also have a very limited idea of gun control. i do support universal healthcare and what not, but i'm about to start rambling. my apologies. i've been ingesting large amounts of caffeine today. i'll just stop now before i get started.
heh, it's *SO* great to hear a former libertarian describe their former ideals as naive at best. It's so... frustrating to put up with people who don't realize that going back to "hands off of everything, everything will take care of itself better than the government ever could do" isn't really... well... a good idea.
Also... lol... and it sounds like you and I would enjoy trading political ideas over a few beers.