OK, so theres a site I found that has some games "like" DragonAge Origins. The thing is, I can't stand ONLINE MMO games, and yet I've even been drawn in...EGAD NO!!!! ;-p
Anyway, this site http://www.aeriagames.com/games has almost a dozen free online massively awesome graphically intense and visually stunning games, that look similar to DA:O. But unlike DA:O some of these have very poor storylines but are still very engaging otherwise.
The 3 that look the best to me are Kingdom Heroes (I had stop playing that one as I felt my brain going into a slow simmering blahness), theres also Shaiya which I'm trying now, and Twelve Sky. All the games have some quality which will undoubtedly appeal to someone here.
And they're all FREE! I was hooked in it because they have a real DragonAge Origins feel to them. That's why I liked the Kingdom Heroes so much, but the intelligent story and humorous content was missing from that one.