How many of you have an icon or user name that has nothing to do with lesbians? Why did you choose it?
Mine is from my favorite TV show in the 1980s (can you guess it? Anyone? Anyone?) , and a language that's been more or less dead for 2,500 years. What's your story?
Never play poker with a guy named Doc, never eat at a place called Mom's, and never pick a fight with a guy named Tiny.
My user name is related to one of my email adress (which has nothing to do with anything special.) And I chose this icon among the other one of the sites because it reminded me of the first film with lesbian scene I ever saw : "Joy And The Pharaohs"
My username is the short version of Daywalker, the nickname of the comic character Blade. I had Daywalker as nickname for like 3 years for every thing i did on the web. But, you know, you get borded with things and i though Day sounds really nice. 44 was the number suggested from my email provider when i made my first account.
Couldn't do the user name I originally wanted to do. On the spur of the moment, I signed up using the first "name" of the title character that is referenced by my stated location ("An obscure body in the SK System.").
Now if only the catfight between Dale Arden and Princess Aura had gone a bit further, . . .
Ecchi-Spud, "Wielder of the Remote" , and Bearer of the Title "Your Royal Sex Machine" , who almost faced the peril at Castle Anthrax, and is now a substitute instructor at Ohtori Academy
I have really like the mythical creature the Phoenix and what it represents, plus I read about a legendary general nicknamed the AzureDragon, so I just combined the two. My icon reflects my love of video games and is of the main character in Final Fantasy VIII; Squall Leonhart.
EV wrote: Mine is an exception,I suppose. It doesnt concern any lesbianism at all and she is just a pretty girl symbolizing pretty images.
Sorry I forgot to explain the meaning of my username. It's truely my name.People all call me EV and I pretty much like it. It derives from Evangeline from Bible, because I used to be addicted to Bible stories but now I abandon all of them. So it's pretty obvious that it has nothing to do with lesbianism at all.
An0TheR PuSsssY ...SeEkINg 4 dA NevERlaND 4 DEviATs
My name are my initials. Bobbie Maxine Johnson. It's not my legal name, but it's the name everyone calls me! Bobbie is short for Roberta, which I had learned Roberta Maxine would have been my name if I had been born a GG. So I took it as my own and when I got married I took my wife's name! That's me! It's also especially helpful for using on the 'net because it has absolutely nothing to do with my "legal" name.
My avatar is me of course. It's one of my favorite pics of myself and one of the most flattering. I normally don't care for my own pictures, but this one turned out very nice!
The idea is to keep an open mind... but not so open that your brains fall out. - Harry Anderson