I've recently discovered that it's perfectly legal, in 26 states in the USA, to marry your first cousin!! took a quiz on AOL which said while This is totally allright, it's still illegal to marry your sister-brother-Aunt-Uncle-Mom or Dad. I'm kinda twisted so, you might say, my ideas on this subject are more than a little different than the "normal" view.
I believe English law permits marriages between first cousins as well. I can't speak for Scottish law, but if you're British and living in England or Wales, you're quite free to marry your cousin, if such is your wish...
Itīs legal in Germany too. The most famous example might be Albert Einstein who was married to his cousin Elsa. I was surprised about this because they got married in the 1920īs!
The light at the end of the tunnel has been turned off due to budget shortcuts.