This is joyous day for all of us here. Jerry Falwell, one of the biggest haters of gays and lesbians, has just died. With him gone, the homophobia movement has lost a lot of steam. This is great news for everyone who wants a just and hate-free society.
"He drew ire for saying AIDS is a punishment for homosexuals...and Tinky Winky, a purse-toting character on the show Teletubbies, is a gay role model."
He was the founder of an organization called the Moral Majority which fueled the rise of the religious Christian right during the seventies and eighties, and helped usher in the era of social conservative political dominance which culminated (and hopefully ends) with the presidency of George W. Bush.
Probably his most infamous statement blamed the September 11 attacks on the groups he wanted to marginalize and persecute. He said:
"I really believe that the pagans, and the abortionists, and the feminists, and the gays and the lesbians who are actively trying to make that an alternative lifestyle, the ACLU, People For the American Way, all of them who have tried to secularize America. I point the finger in their face and say 'you helped this happen.'"
he's the guy who said 9/11 was God's punishment against America for accepting jews, and Katrina was God's punishment for all the black whores of New Orleans. Technically, it's "wrong" to be happy when someone dies... but I sure as **** won't be mourning him at all.
Sadly tho... bigots don't need leaders to maintain their bigotry... so there won't be any less steam in the gay-hate movement in America. Specially w/ Dubya and Dick in charge.
Ah, I see. The Enoch Powell of modern America, then? Rivers of blood and all that? Everyone's entitled to their viewpoint, and freedom of speech covers racists and homophobes as much as anyone else. Still, hate-mongers of that type only make matters worse for everyone.
It is wrong to be glad that a man is dead, but it's not wrong to be glad that a vocal campaigner for bigotry and intolerance is gone. I'm moving this to Off-Topic.
he's the guy who said 9/11 was God's punishment against America for accepting jews, and Katrina was God's punishment for all the black whores of New Orleans. Technically, it's "wrong" to be happy when someone dies... but I sure as **** won't be mourning him at all.
Sadly tho... bigots don't need leaders to maintain their bigotry... so there won't be any less steam in the gay-hate movement in America. Specially w/ Dubya and Dick in charge.
I agree it is bad when somebody dies but I wont mourn over this guy he was nothing but a hater and a racist. We dont need that in our society.